
Hồ Sơ


Thông tin cá nhân
Giới tính: Không xác định
Ngày sinh: 25/02/2022
Về tôi

cms 1500 form fillable software
We are a web based software company. We offer two main products which are specifically targeted to HIPAA data processing. We sell a HIPAA EDI validation tool for EDI analysts. This tool is a complete program which basically allows them to load and validate their data without any programing required. We also sell HIPAA EDI SDK (software development kit) to validate, create, load, split, join HIPAA EDI data. This tool is targeted to developers. Developers can use this tool to create whatever their require for their project

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165 lượt xem hồ sơ
Xem lần cuối 26/04/2024 7:12:49 PM
Tham gia 25/02/2022 7:17:49 PM