
Hồ Sơ


Thông tin cá nhân
Điện thoại: 07060004959
Địa chỉ
Kailashanand Mission Trust
Về tôi

We offer  200 hours yoga teacher training Rishikesh  to help you deepen your connection with your emotions and feelings, allowing you to teach from the heart. Our Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga training course is hands on instruction designed to help you become a confident and effective Yoga instructor for all students. The best organization for this course is  OmYogaInternational . If you are interested in this course, please contact us.

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142 lượt xem hồ sơ
Xem lần cuối 15/05/2024 4:15:40 AM
Tham gia 10/03/2022 3:11:18 PM